Last year I created a list of five books all teachers are hoping for under the tree. You can click here to view last years post. Here is my second edition, and arguably it's even better! Here are my five must have books for all educators.
In The Innovator's Mindset, George Couros encourages teachers and administrators to empower their learners to wonder, to explore—and to become forward-thinking leaders. If we want innovative students, we need innovative educators. In other words, innovation begins with you. Ultimately, innovation is not about a skill set but about mindset. The book is for all members in education, and is an absolute must have. (Amazon)
In Flat Army, Dan Pontefract addresses the disengaged and gives leadership strategies that will reignite the workplace. Get ready to learn leadership strategies that will build a culture that drives engagement, empowerment and encouragement amongst continued execution. In any of the corporate leadership roles he has held, he demonstrates a steadfast belief that a collaborative, connected and participative leadership framework is the only way in which to operate. (Amazon)
In Pure Genius, Don Wettrick encourages teachers and administrators to collaborate--with experts, students, and one another--to create interesting, and even life-changing opportunities for learning. You'll discover, innovation brings a fresh approach to solving real problems, creative ways to work within the constraints your current budget and system, and ways to inspire students to learn beyond the classroom. (Amazon)
In The Genius Hour Guidebook, Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi gives strategies to promote your students’ creativity and get them excited about learning! Learn how to implement Genius Hour, a time when students can develop their own inquiry-based projects around their passions and take ownership of their work. Buy this book and watch your children come to life while they take their learning in their own hands. (Amazon)
In Learn Like A Pirate, Paul Solarz gives meaning to collaboration, empowerment and student leadership. These buzz words get a lot of press, but what do they really mean for today's students? Can students really handle the responsibility of leading the class? Can they actually learn what they need to if they are working together so often? Won't all this freedom cause chaos in the classroom? Not if you're teaching them to learn like PIRATES! Paul's book will innovate your practice and better all involved! (Amazon)
I hope your Christmas is wonderful and Santa brings you all these great books. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!